The Company’s Management assumes and promotes the following principles of action in accordance with the stipulations of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, to guarantee a quality work environment, respecting diversity and considering the principle of equal opportunities as a basic pillar in the professional and personal development of the human team that makes up the organization:

Equal treatment between women and men, with the absence of any discrimination based on gender, and especially those that could refer to motherhood and the assumption of family obligations and marital status.

Equal opportunities between men and women, in access to employment, training, professional promotion and working conditions.

No discrimination, whether direct or indirect, based on gender.

Direct discrimination based on gender is considered to be the situation in which a person is, has been or could be treated, based on their gender, in a less favorable manner than another person in a comparable situation.

Indirect discrimination on the basis of gender is considered to be the situation in which an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice puts people of one gender at a particular disadvantage with respect to people of the other, unless said provision, criterion or practice can be objectively justified in view of a legitimate purpose and that the means to achieve that purpose are necessary and appropriate


Regardless of what is established in the Penal Code regarding this aspect, for the purposes of this Law, sexual harassment constitutes any behavior, verbal or physical, of a sexual nature that has the purpose or produces the effect of violating the dignity of a person. , particularly when an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment is created.

Gender-based harassment constitutes any behavior carried out based on a person’s gender, with the purpose or effect of violating the person’s dignity and creating an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment.

The conditioning of a right or an expectation of a right to the acceptance of a situation constituting sexual harassment or harassment based on gender will also be considered an act of discrimination based on gender.


Equal remuneration based on gender is understood as the employer’s obligation to pay the same remuneration for the provision of work of equal value, regardless of its nature, whether salary or non-salary, without discrimination based on gender. .


Discrimination on the basis of gender will be considered any adverse treatment or negative effect that occurs on a person as a result of the presentation by them of a complaint, claim, complaint, demand or appeal, of any type, intended to prevent their discrimination and to demand the effective compliance with the principle of equal treatment between women and men.


The acts and clauses of legal transactions that constitute or cause discrimination based on gender will be considered null and void, and will give rise to responsibilities through a system of reparations or compensation that are real, effective and proportionate to the damage suffered. as well as, where appropriate, through an effective and dissuasive system of sanctions that prevents discriminatory behavior.


In order to make the constitutional right of equality effective, the Public Powers will adopt specific measures in favor of women to correct patent situations of de facto inequality with respect to men. Such measures, which will be applicable as long as these situations persist, must be reasonable and proportionate in relation to the objective pursued in each case.

Any person may seek protection from the courts of the right to equality between women and men, in accordance with the provisions of art. 53.2 of the Constitution, even after the termination of the relationship in which the discrimination allegedly occurred.

At the same time applying the principles of transversality, participation, flexibility, strategic, operational, continuous improvement, practical and evaluable.

This commitment of the organization is reflected in a document that is communicated to the entire workforce.